
澳洲旅遊局年度形象廣告 NOTHING LIKE AUSTALIA 澳洲盡是不同



去過紐澳的人應該可以發現1'00"開車畫面有什麼大bug吧 :P


There is nothing like it, is it?  No…

There is nothing like the sunrise, the first wave of the day.

The trip along the coastline. It’s right across the bay.

There’s nothing like this ancient place. Sunset on a camel.

This organism, this billabong, or this duck-billed mammal.


Ta ra ra ra, Ta ra ra ra, Ta ra ra ra ra ra ra ra


There is nothing like the people here, or here, or here, or there.

My mates up here, my friends down there, there is nothing like this bear.  (That’s not a bear)

There is nothing like this giant shrubs, this rock, this fish, these birds,

There is nothing like this furry thing that bounce around in herds.

There is nothing like Australia, there is nothing like Australia.

There is nothing like this wondrous land, from Darwin to Bass Strait.

There is nothing like the people here where everyone is mate.

There is nothing like Australia.


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